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Fake Ultrasound Horror this Halloween


Image Source: George Hodan via PublicDomainPictures under the Public Domain license.

Announcing a pregnancy may make your parents, siblings, or significant other smile - or cry! Depending on the situation that you are in, a fake pregnancy joke is an effective way to shock your prank victims this Halloween. Those intricate setups, expensive Halloween costumes and the tediousness of arranging for a horrendous and hugely appalling pranking plan like no other! All you need is a special item, guts and self-control of not laughing out loud while pulling off a prank! :D

A Halloween fake ultrasound prank is your best bet for a straightforward and foolproof Halloween prank. Intentionally drop a fake ultrasound with your name, but do it in an ‘accidental’ way and other details on it, in front of your parents and see what happens next. Post a fake ultrasound on your bedroom cupboard and ask your sissy to get something for you from the bedroom, and discover how shocked she'd get upon discovering your ultrasound. Give your boyfriend a surprise slash scare this Halloween by sending him a scanned photo of your fake ultrasound. Don't forget to tell him the truth afterwards! :D Are you and your husband into family planning? Are you doing all the birth control methods of not getting pregnant the 5th time? Then this fake ultrasound prank is just the thing this Halloween. Give him a shocking moment digesting the news that you are expecting your 5th child. Of course he'd be happy eventually if it is true, but if you are leaning towards leaving him dumbfounded on the first 5 minutes after you broke the news, then you have just given him a wonderful Halloween prank like no other!

If you're attending med school, law school, studying a post-degree course or is currently reviewing for that exam to complete your university degree, a fake ultrasound prank is a joyful gag to pull off towards your mom and dad this Halloween. Let them set up those traditional, creepy pranks, then just sit back and relax for an epic prank that's very easy to pull off, yet impressively effective to fright them momentarily!

Create amazing (or terrible?) memories with the wacky yet classy Halloween fake ultrasound either fake 2D ultrasounds or fake 3D ultrasounds, with or without personalization from FakeUltrasounds.Net!