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Fake Sonogram for Parties!




Shock your mom, kick your siblings in the teeth, jolt your friends on Facebook or surprise your significant other with a 3D fake ultrasound from Fakeultrasounds.net! A fake ultrasound is the hottest prank item that'll definitely leave your victims laughing for hours! It's not only made of a real thermal paper showing a fetus image but you can make it your own by providing your personal details appear on the ultrasound! Personalize it by providing the name, date of birth, mrn, date and time of the ultrasound, hospital or clinic name, doctor or technician name, weight, length and age of fetus, and any special instructions that you want to be addressed. You can also state the gender of the baby, the certainty of gender, the bar colors your prefer and if you want to include a holographic embossed seal to make it extra real!

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Not only does this serve as an amazing prank item, but a fake ultrasound is getting more and more popular among bachelor parties, bachelorette events and birthday parties! It is also a great material for school and office presentations, as well as stage plays. Most DIY paper creations also involve the use of a fake ultrasound as some don't want to use their real ones. Tickle your creativity and make amazing crafts, successful projects and the most laughable pranking acts using a 3D fake ultrasound